Use a plagiarism checker for law papers
The issue of plagiarism is far-fetched. Crossing the boundaries of all professions, it has entered the academic field as well. Thus, causing damage of many sorts, including poor performance, and degradation of the quality of content. Law plagiarism checker tools have proven to be somewhat effective in dealing with content theft. Learn more about these tools:
Some Facts about Plagiarism in academics:
Plagiarism is an act of dishonesty where a writer, student, or content creator copies another’s work and tries to pass it off as theirs. Such acts of intellectual theft are a result of negligence and lack of sincerity on the part of the writer. Piracy of content denies the credit and recognition the author deserves.
In academics, especially in higher education, plagiarism is increasing at an alarming rate. Higher education involves quite a few project work, research papers, and thesis submissions. They are no doubt tedious tasks and demand that students possess creativity and critical thinking skill.
However, it is evident from many instances that students often adopt unfair means as a shortcut of completing tasks at hand quickly. Sometimes it is done to meet a deadline. On other occasions, students indulge in intentional plagiarism, deliberately copying content, displaying a lack of interest and creativity on their part. Easy access to information has given rise to plagiarism across all fields, including academics. The internet has made information smoothly available to everyone, thus, has led to more cases of content stealth.
Types of plagiarism in higher education, including law:
Broadly plagiarism can be categorized into four divisions especially, concerning law and higher education.
Direct plagiarism in higher education: In all streams of higher education, including law, students need to write and submit research and thesis papers as a part of the curriculum. After evaluating these papers, students are rewarded with grades based on their performance and uniqueness there in their academic papers.
Instead of writing and preparing their papers, students copy word to word from different sources. It is called direct plagiarism. Such contents are identical to the source and easily detectable by law plagiarism checker.
● Mosaic plagiarism in law paper:
Mosaic plagiarism refers to the act of using other’s content with few alterations and modifications. Summarizing and paraphrasing content are examples of this type of content theft. Students opt for paraphrasing, hoping that it is safe to summarize other’s created work, and it may reduce plagiarism.
However, contrary to popular belief, both summarizing and paraphrasing are plagiarism unless the writers replace all words of the author and use synonyms in those places. Summary plagiarism checker tools can detect plagiarism in such content.
● Self-plagiarism, in an academic paper:
In an academic field such as law, students are responsible for creating end numbers of research papers and thesis. Self-plagiarism refers to the act of copying from or rather repeating the content of one’s work. Self-plagiarism might occur when students are unable to keep a record of their own created content.
● Accidental plagiarism by Students:
Accidental plagiarism is mostly committed unintentionally by students. Using multiple sources for gathering information is nothing uncommon, but one has to follow the steps of using other’s content safely. Many things may cause accidental plagiarism. It includes missing citations, quotation marks, a reference section, and other forms of non-acknowledgment. In brief, if the writers use any source without the author’s consent, they indulge in accidental plagiarism.
Consequences of plagiarism in academics:
Irrespective of its type, plagiarism of all kinds is unacceptable. In academics, plagiarism is dealt with strictness and is a punishable offense.
● In academics, plagiarism is a threat to academic integrity. Hence, facilitators check for plagiarism. If students are found guilty of plagiarism, they can get expelled from the education institution.
● Copied content results in low academic grades and other cases, including the loss of the academic year.
● Plagiarism leaves a negative impact on the students as well damages the reputation of the education institution.
● If students use content with copyright protection, they may get into legal trouble and may face monetary loss.
Avoiding plagiarism in law papers:
● In the academic field, there is an expectation that students will generate ideas using their creativity. People believe that education aims to nurture creativity and critical thinking skill. Thus, instead of copying, students must focus on creating. It is still possible to overlook grammar mistakes and other minor drawbacks, but plagiarism is quite a severe offense that students must avoid at all costs.
● Students must keep track of all the sources they have used while developing the content. They must duly acknowledge it with the help of citation, parenthesis, reference, quotation marks, and other things. They must learn the art of citing sources from their supervisors to reduce plagiarism.
● To avoid self-plagiarism, students must maintain a record of all their previously submitted papers. Before submission or publishing the academic document, it is advisable to proofread it carefully. Students may make use of document comparison tools to compare their previous and current work. Text Comparison tools are known for providing more or less accurate results.
● Even if students opt for paraphrasing, they must consciously replace all the original words of the author. They should do that by using appropriate synonyms. However, they should leave out the generic terms. Borrowing ideas and words without consent can lead to the accusation of plagiarism.
● Not only renowned author’s work, but copying other student’s assignments is also content theft. Law students must refrain from using unfair means as it may affect their career negatively.
● Plagiarism detection tools are probably most effective in addressing the issue of misuse of information and piracy. Facilitators pretty commonly use the law plagiarism checker to determine the quality of law papers. These are online tools that provide the user with the opportunity to run a plagiarism check on any document they desire.
These work on a comparison technique wherein users can check for plagiarism in the written content, comparing it with the app’s database. Based on the process, the app generates a result determining whether the content is plagiarized or not and whether the amount of plagiarism is negligible.